• Thoughts On My Pipe Journey Thus Far

    That which lead me to enter the world of pipe smoking was a curiosity surrounding this ancient way of enjoying tobacco, one which was completely foreign to me. I now call myself a pipe smoker, and in doing so, feel an undeniable sense of pride in my membership to a select fraternity, comprised of those
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  • The Perique Mystique

    Perique is a condimental tobacco incorporated into blends to amplify their more nuanced, subtle characteristics. Traditionally it was used sparingly, with anything between 2-5% considered ample; however interest in the tobacco has grown immensely, with contemporary blends having been seen to include more than 25% perique. Let us take a closer look at what makes
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  • Estate Pipes – Can You Smoke A Preloved Briar?

    Estate pipe is the designated nomenclature to describe pipes which have been ‘pre-loved’ and are looking for another home; understandably, putting the phrase ‘second hand’ in front of pipe does not evoke the most pleasant imagery.  When I was first introduced to the concept of a used pipe, I was horrified: why would anyone want
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  • Five Tips For Beginner Pipe Smokers

    Starting your pipe smoking journey is incredibly exciting. Those first few steps into totally unknown territory are fraught with uncertainty and anticipation. As such it is very easy to dive in with little consideration as to whether or not you are going about things the right way, as is the case with many new smokers.
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